Saturday, June 16, 2012


Got a couple more commissions done recently, a Furcadia portrait and a full digital artwork.

 A portrait commissioned by Banish. When I showed the final product to a friend as a way of getting some extra feedback, they remarked that they could really tell how much better I've gotten at portraying the male form. I have to admit - they're right. I'm rather proud of what I did here. I usually tend to avoid drawing shirtless men because I simply cannot do them justice, but I'm glad I got a commission for one and was brave enough to take it on. It came out well.

This picture is a rendering of an avatar, from one of the avatar sites similar in function to Gaia Online, or at least that was my impression anyway. I'm a sucker for the kind of dress-up factor these kind of games offer, but I find little patience for the endless gold farming to buy items. It just kinda rubs me the wrong way nowadays, which is why I 'officially' quit Gaia a year or so back. Still, actually giving life and personality to avatars is still always fun, so I was more than happy to do this commission for an old friend, who was more than generous with her offer for it. I kinda shuffled my feet a bit on this one, but it did come out quite well overall. I'm just fussy about details I can never get quite right - it's something I need to work on.

Two very enjoyable commissions that I think have shown some of the progress I've made over the past year. An interesting starting point for my summer!

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